For sale, one set of Receiver and trigger guard assembly prints. These are COMPLETE prints, the current receiver prints that are floating around are for completing 80% receivers and don't have all dimensions on them (just enough to index the work and complete the last 20%). Included prints in this set are:
Receiver Assembly
Receiver prints (2 pages)
Trigger Guard body (2 pages)
Trigger Guard Body alternate design (2 pages)
Bolt Support, Left
Bolt Support, Right
Bolt Support Rivets
Bolt Guide
Change lever spring
Change lever stop
Change lever pin
Receiver top plate
Buffer Tube
Many of the prints are to large to be legible on a 8.5X11 print out, some are, but if you want a hard copy take this down to your local blueprint shop and have them print it on nice 20X30 paper
These were obtained through a FOIA request and have been digitally scanned as CALS Raster (C4) files. If you don't have a C4 reader you can download either of these 2 viewers:
I have used both readers and they are both fine and functional. (I am unaffiliated with either program and can't offer any technical support. I can barley navigate around a computer myself and the fact that there is even a WWIIBARMAN.com is a testament to my shear stubbornness rather than my electronic savvy).
After you check out you will be taken to a screen with a 'Download now' button, and you will also have a link to download Emailed to you